Training Programs

International Trauma-Healing Institute

The Ross Model
The Ross Model provides a common shorthand metaphorical language to convey the presence of individual and/ or collective traumatic symptoms and the path for their healing, useful to all social sectors.
The trauma vortex metaphor conveys the presence of dysfunction, loss of control, irrational behavior and conflict.
The healing vortex conveys the ability to function, to be rational, and to be flexible in conflict resolution. This national common language and understanding is presented through:
• A series of eight books on awareness of trauma, on healing and on resiliency for: ten social sectors: clergy; media; military; diplomats, NGOs and First Responders; the Judiciary; educators and psychologists; the medical field and the public
• Exercise cards for Emotional First Aid in seven languages for multi-cultural societies during times of traumatic stress (In Israel, English, Hebrew, Arabic, German, French, Russian and Spanish)
• Videos teaching Emotional First Aid and self-regulation
• Custom-designed trainings against burnout and for better efficiency for each sector
• Trainings on collective trauma (dealing with one’s adversaries for better conflict resolution)
• The Missing Piece: A New Understanding of the Israeli/ Palestinian Conflict

Gina Ross explains EmotionAID®
EmotionAid® can be used on the spot, anywhere and anytime, by young and old, by men and women, by lay people as well as professionals.
EmotionAID® is an innovative therapy system developed to help release trauma by increasing individual’s self-consciousness using EmotionAid and (make short sentence for emotionAID)
During times of high anxiety and uncertainty, like the threat of the coronavirus, we feel helpless. If our fears take over, we panic and our brain interprets this as danger. Since we can’t fight or flee from the Coronavirus, or other situations of stress, the energy unleashed in our bodies by the stress hormones gets stuck in our body, turns into traumatic symptoms and weakens our immune system.
Luckily, there is a solution: EmotionAid®, a method to help you develop resiliency and strengthen your nervous system and your immune system.
EmotionAid® is a toolkit of five simple steps for self-regulation and emotional first aid. Based on organic, cutting-edge tools from Somatic Experiencing® and the latest developments in brain research, with EmotionAid®, you can learn how to both handle and prevent anxiety, burnout, stress and trauma.
Just as we can strengthen our physical muscles with exercise, we can strengthen our nervous system (our emotional muscle) and restore its resilience by practicing healthy responses to threat and trauma.
Specially designed for the public at large and professionals who work in situations of stress,
EmotionAid® is recommended for:
Teachers and educational staff Mental health professionals Emergency personnel
First responders
Medical staff
The EmotionAid® Program for Professionals
Students learn
How the theory of EmotionAid® worksWhat takes place in the brain when we are anxious and stressedTo identify and release stress in themselves and their peersTo catch and release the first signs of activation and balance their nervous system How to “brush” their nervous system and avoid accumulation of stress in their body How to regain control and maintain it even during times of stress and anxiety overload How to use the practical tools we provide during and after stressful eventsHow to exercise the tool to avoid stress and anxietyHow to practice to develop resiliency, cope with stress and return to balance
The program includes
The EmotionAidTM training program
EmotionAidTM toolkits for adults and for children
Continued supervision
Practice sessions
EmotionAid® Courses for Your Organization
Training options
Choose an option that fits your organization’s needs:
1 Introduction to EmotionAid® Lecture
1.5-2 hours
The EmotionAid® introductory lecture presents the theoretical basis of EmotionAid®, and describes the different training options.
Includes a demo and a short practice session.
Who is it for
The general public
2 One-day EmotionAid® Training
8 hours
Learn to resource, track and discharge activation.
Learning self-regulation, to manage any type of stress, whether traumatic or normal; resiliency training as prevention against trauma
Who is it for
The general public
3Complete EmotionAid® Training
24 hours
Learning to resource, track and discharge activation, manage others’ activation
Emotional First Aids skills for professionals helping people under chronic traumatic stress, tools for on-going self-regulation and tracking against burnout
Who is it for
Any person who works with the public in situations of stress, including educational therapists, mental health workers, emergency personnel, medical staff etc.
4 EmotionAid® Training - tailored to the needs of your organization
Learning to resource, track and discharge activation, manage others’ activation. Addressing of needs specific to your organization.
Emotional First Aids skills for professionals helping people under chronic traumatic stress, tools for on-going self-regulation and tracking against burnout, and any issues specific to your organization, such as: compassion fatigue.Who is it for: Schools, hospital, help-lines, police, firefighters, etc.

Free from Conflict
Free from Conflict is an innovative therapy system developed to help release trauma by increasing individual’s self-consciousness using EmotionAid and (make short sentence for free from conflict)
Free from Conflict Workshops / Training are for everyone who desires to resolve conflicts, either large or small, at the spousal, family, community, national or at the international level, as well as to be a great communicator.
The program is particularly relevant for mediators, community leaders, journalists, diplomats, peace activists, psychotherapists, family lawyers, clergy and SEPs.
These workshops offer a new paradigm to understand and resolve conflicts successfully. In order to communicate effectively during conflicts taking place across cultural and other differences we need to be able to listen attentively and openly and with calm, free of overwhelming emotions. We need to know how to calm ourselves when our emotions take over; understand our needs and worldview and those of the adversary. We need to identify our commonalities, our differences and incompatibilities, and learn to use words that reach reason and heart.
Free from Conflict Workshops comprises two parts: EmotionAidTM and Universal Basic Needs (UBN)

Role of the Nervous System in Conflict Resolution
Our individual and collective nervous systems are constantly adjusting to our feelings of safety or threat in different situations. When they are thrown off-balance and our Universal Basic Needs are not met, either as individuals, or as groups or nations, we lose control over our physical, emotional, mental states and over our behavior; and resort to harmful ways of meeting our needs.
At individual or collective levels, we become easily triggered and unable to handle strong emotions in ourselves or in others; we go through intense and exaggerated feelings and actions, or feelings of numbness and passivity. We cannot contain our frustrations. Our thinking becomes confused. We become inflexible, obsessive, extreme and critical. We either communicate our needs harshly and aggressively, unleashing backlash against us, or in meek ways, attracting predatory behavior. We assert ourselves in a demanding way or we freeze, in both instances unable to manage our needs, feelings and ideas calmly or firmly. We easily fall into conflicts and become mired in the trauma vortex.
When our individual and collective nervous systems are balanced and we feel grounded, we function better at all levels: our thinking is clear and flexible. We manage difficult emotions in ourselves and in others well; and we handle frustrations and difficulties without dysfunction. Our actions are appropriate and constructive. We are able to recognize our needs and those of “the other”. We are able to communicate successfully: we can assert our needs- meeting them in healthy ways, and managing the feelings that come up; we can communicate our ideas calmly and firmly and hear those of the other calmly and openly. We successfully manage conflict, and avoid intractable ones.
Universal Basic Needs (UBN)
The program of Universal Basic Needs is composed of three parts:
Universal basic needs and their distortions by trauma, cross-cultural understanding and communication skills.
Recognizing Threatened Needs:
Unmet needs already generate tension, anxiety, and helplessness. Added to traumadriven fear and anger, they create a foundation of frustration turned into rage, hatred and disgust, which creates a deep sense of separation and alienation.
The path to humanize the “adversary other” is to recognize the universal basic needs (UBN) in oneself and in “the other;” to make an honest self- assessment of our priorities, aversions and attractions, blind spots and boundaries and to discover the same for “the other.”
The techniques for recognizing the UBN can be done individually or collectively.

Tailored Programs
The Importance of
Cultural Differences
Our program addresses cross-cultural understanding, a very important but not well recognized aspect of conflict resolution. Many conflicts have been worsened because of lack of cross-cultural understanding on the part of all involved. While trauma exacerbates differences between people, the simple lack or ignorance of cross- cultural understanding adds an unnecessary layer of mistrust, separation and alienation. We explore all the categories that are affected by culture.
Communication Skills
We learn the signs of Trauma Vortex in communication and their impact on relationships, and how they encourage polarization and demonization; and we address the trauma vortex communication rough, as well as its subtle forms. We learn to communicate from the healing vortex, inviting more understanding, cooperation and connection. We learn to inspire the feelings that facilitate conflict resolution, peacefulness and harmony.
The workshops/trainings provide a successful and easy to follow protocol to resolve issues that arise ranging from daily individual relationships to those affecting conflicts between groups/nations.
Simple methods of releasing stress on the spot, anytime, anywhere; the ability to recognize signs of stress and trauma in oneself and others and how to release or diffuse them.
A protocol to recognize the trauma and unmet needs behind all conflicts
Recognition of unmet needs, and resolution of emotions fueling all conflicts– ours and “theirs”
Cross-Cultural Understanding across all the cultural categories
Methods for effective and calm communication and tracking of destructive communication
The Institute can work with your organization to have an in-house sustainable stress/ trauma management program.